søndag den 17. marts 2013

How's your week, aka YWD hierarchy looking ?

I'm quite suprized to realize the lack of 'week corrections' for the Time dimension in lots of SSAS BI solutions.

Scenario : ( affecting the weeks with days spanning two following years) .

The YQMD hierarchy is right but the YWD hierarchy is wrong. Ex: 20120101 is wrong in the YWD hierarchy as it’s ‘Week Year’ is 2011 ( as the day belongs to a week in 2011) while  - using the same Year attribute in both hierarchies – we set it to 2012 . ( right of course for the YQMD hierarchy)

You can fix it at either the relational - view or table level - or at the UDM level and in either a generic way or at detailed level.  The recommended way : at the relational level and in a generic way, but you can mix the : level ( generic or detailed ) X level ( relational or UDM ) and have 4 combinations to select.
I'll try to exemplify two of the alternatives :  
Generic x Relational :
In your view you may write a statement like :
Select ..., <Week Year> = cast(case
           when Month_Number = 12 and WeekNo = 1 then Year_Number + 1
           when Month_Number = 1 and WeekNo in (52,53) then Year_Number - 1
           else Year_Number
end as nvarchar(4)) + '-' + [Week]
from <Time view or table> 

Detailed x UDM :

In the Data Source View, select your Date DataTable, right click on it , select New Named Calculation. Name it for instance Week Year and create it with an expression like :

CASE <DateKey>
When 20071231 then 2008
When 20081229 then 2009
When 20120101 Then 2011
ELSE <Year>

                           Replace <DateKey> and <Year> with the corresponding names of your columns.

Last common steps 

In your Date dimension now, drag and drop Weak Year from DSV to the dimension attributes pane .
Update the attribute relationships correspondingly.
Only in your Week hierarchy ( YWD), replace on the first level the Year attribute with the Week Year attribute.

Process the Date dimension and the cube and test the ‘week adjustments’ at the start//end of the years where you implement it.